Friday, August 2, 2019

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The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets

by Helen Vendler

Binding: Paperback
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Amazon Price : $14.75
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Rating: 4.5
Total Reviews: 38

Results The Art of Shakespeare's Sonnets

The Art of Shakespeares Sonnets The Art of Shakespeares Sonnets is an authentic act of contemporary criticism as well as a reading of the most cherished lyric poetry in the English language It constitutes a ground of poetic apprehension that cannot be gainsaid and it offers the opportunity to enjoy the art of poetry where we all agree it must be found as one enjoys most Shakespeares Sonnets The Art of the Shakespearean Sonnet Shakespeares Sonnets The Art of the Shakespearean Sonnet The form was first developed in Italy during the High Middle Ages with such wellknown figures as Dante Alighieri putting it to use But the most famous sonneteer of that time was Francesco Petrarca and it is after him that the Italian sonnet got its name The Art of Shakespeares Sonnets Helen Vendler Google The Art of Shakespeares Sonnets Volume 1 Helen Vendler widely regarded as our most accomplished interpreter of poetry here serves as an incomparable guide to some of the bestloved poems in the English language In detailed commentaries on Shakespeares 154 sonnets Vendler reveals previously unperceived imaginative and stylistic The Art of Shakespeares Sonnets Summary Summary The story line of the sonnets has led some critics and many lay readers to search for historic figures in Shakespeare’s world that might correspond to his dramatis personae Leading candidates have been Henry Wriothesley Earl of Southampton and William Herbert Earl of Pembroke both of whom had wellknown homosexual proclivities The Art of Shakespeares Sonnets by Helen Vendler In detailed commentaries on Shakespeares 154 sonnets Vendler interprets imaginative and stylistic features of the poems pointing out new levels of import in particular lines and the ways in which the four parts of each Review The Art of Shakespeares Sonnets Boston Review An exercise in close reading in the New Critical tradition The Art of Shakespeares Sonnets teases out alliterative chains hidden words Sonnet 68s bouquet of five invisible roses embedded in the words shorne flowers bowers others and store puns Sonnet 87s hitherto uncommentedupon aching hidden in a king anagrams and so on Shakespeares Sonnets 9 Thou that art now the worlds fresh ornament the worlds fresh ornament a fresh and youthful glory to the world 10 And only herald to the gaudy spring only most important chief unique herald one who announces a messenger Shakespeare elsewhere calls the lark the herald of the morn and the owl the herald of night Shakespeares Sonnets All Sonnets CXXVII In the old age black was not counted fair Or if it were it bore not beautys name But now is black beautys successive heir And beauty slandered with a bastard shame For since each hand hath put on Natures power Fairing the foul with Arts false borrowed face Sweet beauty hath no name The Art of Shakespeare’s Sonnets Belknap Helen Vendlers The Art of Shakespeares Sonnets is an incredible work of analysis criticismand obsession In giving these complex poems a close reading Vendler attempts to enter the mind and esthetics of her subject resulting in an amazing and comprehensive commentary on the sonnets The Art of Shakespeare’s Sonnets — Helen Vendler Harvard “ The Art of Shakespeare’s Sonnets by Helen Vendler is a superb close reading of the sonnets one by one It is also an invaluable master class on how to read a poem how to attend to the patterns of sound within a poem how to explore the way in which sense and sound combine in the sonnets